Many retail brands are shifting their focus towards improving the in-store experience for their customers. Adidas is one such brand that is creating an extraordinary experience marking its distinctive identity among other brands.
Adidas is giving its customers the knowledge for making an informed and rational decision when it comes to buying a perfect pair of shoes. By using AR technology, salesmen of Adidas are using data visualization and hardware for providing guidance to their customers so that runners can make accurate decisions.
The in-store experience
Buying a perfect pair of shoes is a challenging task for the runners but now with Addidas’ Run Genie, this is not an issue anymore. It provides data related to the perfect shoe thus enhancing the overall experience for the runners.
Empowering sales teams
Run Genie also educates the sale teams by equipping them with the knowledge of the product and customer needs. It also helps teams in making suggestions to the customers.
Visualization of the data
Run Genie is capable of examining the foot when it makes contact with the ground. This is easily done by attaching the Run Genie’s pods which customers are required to walk on. Data is stored and can be visualized by using the Run Genie’s tablet app. With this, a sales agent makes suggestions that are suitable for the particular foot hence fulfilling the customer’s satisfaction.
Taking the experience to the next level
The data captured during the in-store experience is further used for product discussions with the customer through emails. By doing so, Adidas is building an element of trust and creating its unique identity among its competitors.
The AR technology has a lot to offer for the retail brands and for improving their customer services by providing them with engaging in-store experiences. Watch out this space for more surprises expected from AR in the future.